The Southeastern Section of the MAA (MAA SE) advances the mathematical sciences within the states of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee by considering mathematical professionals at all levels in the design of its program and activities, with a special emphasis on the collegiate level.
Note on MAA-SE Communication:
All communications for the MAA Southeastern Section are conducted through the MAA and MAA Connect. This platform allows us to streamline our interactions and ensure that all section members stay informed and engaged.
Section membership is defined in the MAA Southeastern Section Bylaws as “members of the Mathematical Association of America with MAA mailing addresses in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Exceptions may be made by the MAA Secretary upon request of the affected member” (Article II – Membership).
Inquirers are welcome to contact specific members of the Executive Committee by emailing them directly. Their contact information is available on our site in Section Officer and Committees, as well as on the MAA Connect platform.
Most Recent Newsletter:
Fall 2024 Newsletter
Our executive board has several upcoming openings which will be voted on at the February 2025 Section Meeting.
Information on the role and responsibilities of these officers
To nominate a member of the section or to express your interest in becoming an officer, please email the chair of our Nominations Committee George Lytle (