Dr. Vicky Klima, Appalachian State University – 2022 MAA Southeastern Section Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient
Dr. Vicky Klima is an outstanding educator, undergraduate research advisor, program developer, and resource for other faculty. As a teacher, she is constantly working to improve already exemplary teaching abilities. Most recently, Dr. Klima implemented standards-based grading to help students master proof writing skills without worrying so much about each grade. She has also developed inquiry-based assignments that allow multiple means of engagement by students; her work was recognized by a grant-funded program that helps postsecondary campuses become more welcoming of students with learning and attention differences.
On the other end of the spectrum, the dean of the Honors program at Appalachian State University describes Dr. Klima as one of the most talented, effective, and technologically innovative classroom teachers. Outside of class, she has mentored over 30 undergraduate students on research projects while still teaching a 3-3 load. She is also actively involved in a variety of programs at the department, college, and university level leading workshops, developing programs for students with weak backgrounds, and assisting other faculty as they transitioned to online learning during the pandemic. In addition, Dr. Klima has been an active speaker at regional and national MAA conferences and participated in an MAA committee on Research by Undergraduates.
Dr. Toyin Alli, University of Georgia – 2022 MAA Southeastern Section Distinguished Teaching Award by a Beginning College Mathematics Faculty Member Recipient
Dr. Toyin Alli is frequently described by students as the best teacher they have ever had. Peers say that her classes are thoughtfully structured with supportive learning opportunities, especially for students with math anxiety. Students are provided with clear expectations, a huge amount of practice, support, and repeated guidance on how to solve various types of problems, as well as opportunities to reflect on their learning and take corrective action as needed. While doing group work, students are deepening their understanding of the material.
Of particular note is Dr. Alli’s contribution to the multi-section precalculus course, where many instructors are using materials that she created for a flipped classroom format. Also, many inexperienced graduate students and fixed term faculty see her as a great teaching mentor. Overall, Dr. Alli’s work helped reduce the DFW rates in precalculus from 33% to 6%. In addition, the current precalculus cohort is seeing greater gains in the follow up Calculus 1 course.
At the university level, Dr. Alli has co-led a workshop run by the Center for Teaching and Learning entitled “Teach Students to Problem- solve, Not Answer-get”. She also took on the leadership of a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) for active learning.
Dr. Catherine Matos, Clayton State University – MAA Southeastern Section Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Dr. Catherine Matos has contributed greatly to our section meetings in multiple ways over many years. She served as a state director for two years, was the section secretary for 6 years, and was an MAA Liaison for 5 years. In addition, Dr. Matos organized one of our meetings locally, was on the site selection committee for 3 years, and hosted section officers’ meetings multiple times. She also has been involved with undergraduate student activities at our meetings by organizing the undergraduate student poster session, serving as a judge for undergraduate posters, and serving as a session chair for undergraduate paper sessions.
In addition, Dr. Matos is very active in her local university, participating in a wide variety of committees and taking on many leadership roles.